LIVING THE WHOLE GOSPELWe invite you to join Christian Leaders from all over the United States in Long Beach, CA, February 16-18, 2016 for a special Consultation called "LIVING THE WHOLE GOSPEL". Besides great speakers and great networking opportunities, there will be a 3- hour breakout session for each of the 40 affinity spheres. I'd love you to join the conversation for the Prison Ministry Affinity Sphere. But if your interest is in another area, you may join those conversations.
CLICK HERE for the brochure and complete information LOVE2020 PrisonMission America is spearheading an initiative called LOVE 2020 to mobilize Christians in all areas across American to be intentional about sharing their faith by showing the love of Christ to their neighbors and associates. The goal is that everyone in America will experience the demonstrated love of Christ from another follower of Christ by the year 2020.
The Micah Project is pleased to partner with Mission America to promote this concept in prisons. We were so pleased that the organizers included prisoners in their plan, and recognized that being intentional about showing the love of Christ to each other behind the walls can have powerful implications. See an interview with Louis Dooley, who came to Christ in prison because another inmate showed him Christ's love. You are invited to join thousands of Christ followers who have decided to reach out with the love of Jesus to our neighbors, friends, family, work associates, classmates, etc. We believe that every person in America should have the opportunity of being authentically loved by at least one committed follower of Jesus Christ within this decade. Every person should know that God loves them and cares deeply about them. The Mission America Coalition is sounding a trumpet to call God’s people to a simple and powerful lifestyle of praying, caring and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with those around us. Every Christian can enjoy this lifestyle – including prisoners! Following are the simple steps that we can take together. Prayer: The Holy Spirit moves in wonderful and mysterious ways when we pray for people. He convicts, woos, and draws people to Jesus. Every follower of Jesus has the opportunity to pray for others to receive Him and enter His family. Jesus asked the disciples to pray for workers to reach the harassed, helpless, and lost. Every one of us can do that as we pray for others to come and follow Jesus. Care: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus commanded. He personified that as He was moved with compassion by the needs of people. Jesus responded to hurting people by caring in loving ways such as feeding the hungry, healing the sick and comforting the bereaved. Jesus said His true followers would be known by their lives of love. Unconditional love is our DNA as committed followers of Jesus. Share: There are many ways that prisoners can be sharing the Gospel with others for whom we have been praying and caring. It could be as simple as inviting them to a church service, a Bible study, a movie, a concert or another special event where the Gospel message is being shared. Or they may share a book, or share their personal testimony or engage them in a spiritual conversation. We believe that it is time for agreat movement of Godly love in the United States – and beyond. It is time to recommit ourselves to follow Jesus Christ unreservedly and to share His love in deed and word with every possible person who comes into our lives. We are not asking you to become involved in another short-term program. We believe that it is time for us to change our long-term lifestyles by becoming praying, caring and sharing followers of Jesus. If only 10% of professing Christians in America would begin to aggressively live the life of love, it would be possible to express God’s love to every man, woman, young person and child in this nation by the year 2020. Please join us today by sharing this invitation message with as many Believers as possible. We are praying that the thousands who are now involved will grow to become tens of thousands and then hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions who will become involved in a great movement of authentic love generated by our deep love for Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. May the love of God fill this nation as never before and spread to the other nations of the world. |
Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:3
1) Be intentional about showing the love of Christ to all of those you encounter.
2) Print this flyer and post it on bulletin boards in prison - LOVE 2020 Flyer 3) Print this description of LOVE 2020 and give it to others - LOVE 2020 Invitation 4) Show the YouTube video of Louis Dooley's testimony to prison congregations, volunteers, etc. 5) Go to the Facebook page for LOVE 2020 Prison. Like to page to show your support, and share the page on your timeline, encouraging others to like and share. 6) Talk about LOVE 2020 to others. 7) Post a link to this page on your webpage. 8) Be creative, and share this concept with as many people as possible. |
is a call to followers of Jesus everywhere to love others by living a simple and powerful lifestyle of praying, caring and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with those around them in deed and word.